This is a weekly schedule and all programs are consistent (unless we update the location/ address)

Monday:  New B.O.Y. Sports Program
Time:  6:00pm-7:30pm
Location:  D/1- The Factory
Address:  6331 Crawfordsville Road, Indianapolis 46224
Tuesday:  New B.O.Y. Youth & Family Martial Arts Class
Time:  6:00pm-7:45pm. Ages 6-10/ 6pm-6:45pm  Ages 10+/ 6:45pm-7:45pm
Location:  Moorehead Community Center
Address:  8400 East 10th street, Indianapolis 46219
Wednesday:  New B.O.Y. Leaders Circle
Time:  6:15pm-8:45pm. (Dinner Included)
Location:  SHC Building
Address: 10030 East Washington Street, Indianapolis 46229
Friday: New B.O.Y. Fire Friday Social Rec Program & Fitness Fridays!
Time:  6:00pm-7:45pm
Location: Avondale Meadows YMCA (beginning, Friday Oct 14, 2022)-every other Friday!
Address: 3908 Meadows Drive, Indianapolis, 46205
Saturday: Guns Down-Gloves Up Youth Boxing Program
Time:  1:00pm-3:30pm (lunch included)
Address:  Vegas Boxing Club & Lawrence Park 
Location:  Vegas Boxing Club (4407 Lafayette Road).  Lawrence Park (5401 N. Franklin Road)
IBNB Mentor